About Mori
Let’s Reach Your Goals Together
I have travelled my own journey through the Western health care landscape, as patient and a provider. As a person with poorly understood autoimmune health issues, I have experienced first hand the frustrations, fatigue and sometimes sense of futility and even hopelessness that come from relying on a profession that is supposed to have answers and offer healing, but which is not equipped to do so. Over the years of caring for myself and my family, I discovered alternative and energy forms of healing. I studied with masters in these forms and learned to practice medical Qigong and Emotional Freedom techniques–I have used both to enhance my clinical medical practice over the years. Eventually I came to understand that not everything needs to be explainable or understood by Western medicine to be effective and beneficial. I never cease to be amazed by the benefits these modalities can.
As my journey through my mid-sixties progressed, I knew that I did not want to retire from the healing practices, but also knew clearly that I did not want to continue clinical medicine any longer either. I have played with Acorn Healing Arts over the years, and longed to open it as my full-time healing practice home base. I knew the pieces I needed to do that, and essentially how, but could not seem to get past the edge of the life I was currently living to leap over what seemed like a great chasm, to get to the other side of where I wanted to be. It was at this moment that Mary Morrissey’s invitation to enroll in her DreamBuilder coaching program popped up, unbidden, in front of what I was working on. I still can’t say exactly why, but I was compelled to listen to the presentation and then, enroll as a client of her coaching program (in fact, I tried 5 times to get up and walk away from that offer, and each time it was like a gentle hand would sit me back down, and I would argue with my time and money and “done it before” paradigms, until the fifth time when I decided to listen to that little inner voice, that made no sense at all on the practical side of life then. It was a 12 week journey of wonder, awakening and transformation, internally and outside as well. At the end I was less fatigued overall, my clinical practice was easier and I felt I was giving more value to my patients; my overhealth had not only stabilized but was progressively improving and continues to do so as I continue to practice what I learned through that program, and I have much deeper clarity around my private practice “dreams” and goals. I was so amazed and grateful through and beyond that 12 week coaching journey that I decided to become an independent coach of her program, to share the insights gifts, knowledge and unwavering support to others on their journeys and into a life they truly love living. Being able to offer counsel on nutrition and customize that to each individual, practice EFT, and coach people through the DreamBuilder evocative coaching model developed by Mary Morrissey is a dream come true for me. These can be used together for those seeking that, and are also offered as stand alone practices. I would be honored to be able to share these gifts with you, and so excited to walk beside through this part of your journey whether it is to heal in some way, or simply to gain more clarity and peace, complete a dream, or perhaps to discover that you can dream of something greater than what you have or are now and give you the tools and support to make that journey.
Schedule a discovery call to see if we are a good fit is free and generally lasts 30 to 40 minutes. Please book a free phone call to learn more; or sign up for a service directly if preferred. The button below will take you to those links. You may also call send me an email if preferred, or call and leave a message–I will get back to you within 2 days, sooner if possible.
I am so excited to meet you and hear your story, and am always honored to be invited to walk with you for a time along your path, sharing what I can to make that path even better than it is right now.

My Philosophy
Harnessing Your Potential
DreamBuilder coaching has unlimited power to awaken you to and show you how to harness your potential. I focusses on the the four foundational quadrants of life: health and wellbeing, love and relationships, vocation and time and money freedom. It also deepens one’s connection to their sense of a higher power–what ever that is for you, even if you simply call it “life”, and in doing so to your own innate wisdom, understanding and sense of connection to an infinite source of wisdom and knowledge, always. Dream builder is a 12 week, progressive program that will give you the knowledge, tools, awareness to use them and support to help you grow and if needed heal those deep inner places that we are so good and skirting around, but which ultimately stand in our way of reaching our full potential if not healed and cleared. These tools are time tested and reliable, over and over again and will give you an invaluable skill set to carry forward in life if you choose to use it. There are 12 one hour consecutive weekly session, as well as printed and audio visual material produced by Mary Morrissey and her team that come to you in digital format or hard copy if you prefer as soon as you register and are yours to keep, reuse and reference as you wish in the future.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT, and also know as “tapping”) was first developed by Gary Craig, an engineer interestingly enough, in the 1980s. It has since gone on to be accepted by the American Medical and American Psychiatric Associations and has many peer reviewed and published research articles validating its effectiveness. I have witnessed transformations from anxiety, phobias and stress; chronic habits that are hindering people, relationship healing; PTSD resolution when nothing else has worked; and significant improvement in and sometimes complete resolution of chronic migraines or discomfort from old injuries. This method utilizes gentle tapping over specific acupressure points in combination with cognitive behavioral reprogramming to repattern cellular and energetic responses to traumas, memories and thought patterns that are unhelpful. It is a gentle and technique and does not need to dig up the pain and trauma of a specific event to be able to heal the impact of that experience on your system. Appointments run from 30 minutes to 60 minutes depending on what we are working on and what your preference is. Learning this technique will give you a tool kit to heal yourself, or even to simply improve your game (whatever that be) for the rest of your life.
If you have been struggling with your physical health, weight loss, autoimmune disorder, making a dietary or lifestyle change that you know would benefit you but finding it difficult to navigate or maintain, I am delighted to help you navigate those challenges in a way the is sure to be much more approachable successful, sustainable and perhaps even fun!
Sign up for a Discovery session or give me a call, and let’s see what we can do together!